Harness The Creative

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Graham Greene: He would structure his entire workday to harness the creative power of his dreams. He would draft new sections of a novel in the morning – tapping away until he had met his self-imposed daily quote of five hundred words – and then read them over before bed, leaving his subconscious to work during the night.

Why We Dream by Alice Robb

I believe in thinking about a big problem before falling asleep, and seeing where my dreams take me, if I have any dreams at all!

Confined To REM

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Dreaming isn’t confined to REM sleep; it’s also possible to dream as we fall asleep and right before we wake up.

Why We Dream by Alice Robb

This happens to me a lot – I have fallen asleep at 9:30pm and wake up at 10:30am, having had a full, deep dream. Or I wake up at 4:30am to use the restroom, fall back asleep, wake up at 5:30am and have had a full-on dream.

How about you?