Never Give Up

AI image © Critic Housewife

Fills Me With Ease

Sunset Strip near Sweetzer, 1949.

A good part of any day in Los Angeles is spent driving, alone, through streets devoid of meaning to the driver, which is one reason the place exhilarates some people, and floods others with an amorphous unease. There is about these hours spent in a transit a seductive unconnectedness. — Joan Didion

Here is what I think about my drives through Los Angeles:

A good part of any day in Los Angeles is spent driving, alone, through streets very meaningful to me. My drives in Los Angeles exhilarates me and fills me with ease. There is about these hours spent in a transit a seductive connectedness.

So Beautiful

Century Plant in Bloom, Carpenteria, California, circa 1910

The world can be so sad and you can be so shattered and so sad. But it can also be so beautiful. And the juxtaposition between the grief of the world and the beauty of the world is ecstatically agonizing.

Stephen Colbert on Anderson Cooper’s podcast All There Is, Stephen Colbert: Grateful for Grief, September 21, 2022.

Hollywood Waltz

Springtime, the acacias are blooming;
Southern California will see one more day.
Dreamland and business is booming;
The birds are a singing as I drift away.
She looks another year older
From too many lovers who used her and ran.
But some nights, oh she looks like an angel
And she’s always willing to hold you again.
So give her this dance, she can’t be forsaken;
Learn how to love her with all of her faults.
She gave more than she’s taken.
And I’ll go down doing the Hollywood Waltz.

I love the mood of this Eagles song. This song and many other Eagles songs remind me of living in Los Angeles, and hanging out in Topanga Canyon in my teens.

Song by The Eagles © 1975

*******Some info about Acacias.*******


Australian plants showed up in California in the 1850s. Acacias were among the most versatile, with uses in perfume, for cutting and as ornamentals. They thrived in settings north to south. “In 1931,” writes the late Victoria Padilla in her book “Southern California Gardens,” “acacias constituted one-fifth of all the street tree plantings in Los Angeles.” Acacia leaf shapes are distinctive and run the gamut. The delightful blossoms, usually yellow and produced in awesome numbers, are either fuzzy little balls or held in rod-shaped clusters. Most are scented, a few more pleasantly than others.


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“When we take a real vacation – in the true sense of “holiday,” time marked by holiness, a sacred period of respite – our sense of time gets completely warped. Unmoored from work-time and set free, if temporarily, from the tyranny of schedules, we come to experience life exactly as it unfolds, with its full ebb and flow of dynamism – sometimes slow and silken.”

For Evelyn.

Photo by Arnold Genthe

Decotora Semi Trucks

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I read this article on the Messy Nessy website about Japanese Truckers. There is a book about them too, called Decotora: 1998-2007 Japanese Art Truck Scene. I’m almost tempted to buy the book. I hope that semis in the United States start decorating their trucks. Perhaps this is already being done in the US, but I don’t see many fancy semis driving through Wisconsin.